Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Candied Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Olive Oil
Fresh Brussel Sprouts
Sea Salt (optional)

Restful Cooking:

Set yourself up with knife, cutting board, bowl of water and brussel sprouts. Cut sprouts in half and trip bottom of stem. Toss halves in the bowl of cold water. I generally sit to do this cutting.

Place oven rack on the lowest setting & preheat oven to 425 degrees

REST for about 15 minutes

Swish the sprouts around and then rescue them form the water (all the dirt falls to bottom) and place flat side down on an edged cookie sheet. Place on the bottom rack of the oven.

REST for 12 minutes

Pull out the sprouts and drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with a hint of sea salt if you'd like. Shake the pan a bit to evenly distribute the oil. Place back on bottom rack of oven.

REST for two intervals of 10 minutes, checking sprouts in between.

You will feel like you are about to burn the sprouts. They are best when the flat sides are dark brown and the edges curl up slightly. Usually when I think I've burned them they come out the best.

Pull out of the oven

REST until dinner time or family arrives



These are great room temperature, so there is no need to rush with the rest of the meal. Last week we had this as a side dish to a frozen pizza. Even my toddler loves them and my husband and I pop them like candy before and after dinner. We have been cleaning the kitchen together after the kids are in bed and it really prompts a great forum to talk about our days.

Mini Meatball Parm Sandwiches

Frozen Mini Meatballs from Italian Specialty Store
1 Can Trader Joe's Marinara Sauce
Fresh Italian Rolls

Restful Cooking:
Preheat Oven to 350 degrees

REST for 15 minutes or until oven is ready

Pour frozen meatballs in oven-safe bowl and pour sauce over, enough to cover the meatballs. Place bowl on a cookie sheet and cover. Put in the oven

REST for 30 minutes then 15 minutes, checking in between

Check on the meatballs, if bubbling, put on 200 degrees

REST until dinner time or family arrives

Put out rolls, parmasean cheese, serving utinsels, and set the table